Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New to me

Thanks to an amazing person in Wilmington N.C. I am inspired to do something! The Brita comercial stopped me dead in my tracts when I heard them say we use enough plastic bottles to circle the earth 9 times. So I logged onto their website and found a whole new world of information. the next morning I went to the beach to clean what I could for just 20 mins... Yes a whole bucket of trash later I couldn't help but think of the 5 star restaurants and hotels and what they do to help out... So let the journey begin. My 2 sons and I are about to research all the local island business to see who uses non-biodegradable materials and if they recycle. I already know the answer... I want the public to know to. I want to take my boys on this adventure and see what solutions if any will come about. My goal is to see how the public reacts to this project. Will they care? Will the owners of the local business care? Or be embarrassed a 6 year old is upset they don't recycle. We will see.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! I didn't know that you started a blog!!! YAY!!! This just makes me so unbelievably happy... I can't explain to you what it means to have some part in this journey that you're starting... and I can't wait to see where it takes you!!! This is so exciting :)
